Spectroscopic Ellipsometer M-2000
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer M-2000® with Auto-Angle ESM-300 Base (CompeteEASE® Software) (J.A. Woollam, Lincoln, United States)
Characterization of single- and multi-layer coatings (anti-reflection, high-reflection, or decorative coatings) for mainly evaluation of like thin film thickness and optical constants such as refractive index, but as well of material properties like composition, crystallinity, conductivity, anisotropy, surface, interfacial roughness and additional in-situ monitoring including:
- 5 mL horizontal liquid cell (RC®)
- -500 µL variable temperature liquid cell
- - environment cell
Ellipsometer Specifications:
Ellipsometer configuration: Rotating Compensator Ellipsometer (RCE)
Spectral range: U 245-1000 nm
Number of Wavelengths: U 470
Detector: CCD
Angle of incidence:
- 45°-90° (Automated Angle Base)
- 20°-90° (Vertical Automated Angle Base)
- 65° (Fixed Angle Base)
- 65° (Test Base)
Data Acquisition Rate: 0.05 seconds, minimum
(Complete Spectrum): 2-5 seconds, typical
Max substrate thickness: 18 mm
Power Requirements: 100/240 VAC, 47-63Hz, <1 Amp
Cell Specifications:
- 1) 5 mL horizontal liquid cell (RC®)
- Measurement:
- within a transparent liquid environment under ambient temperature conditions
- Cell liquid capacity:
- 5 mL
- Incidence angle:
- nominal 75°
- Wetted materials:
- cell body 303 stainless steel
- Windows:
- UV grade fused silica 10 mm dia x 1 mm
- Gaskets:
- Viton, two size-016, five size-010
- Mounting plate:
- 316 stainless steel
- Spill trough:
- PEEK thermoplastic
- Required sample dimensions:
- 50 mm diameter silicon wafers and 3x1 inch glass microscope slides (must exceed 51x41 mm2)
- 2) 500 µL variable temperature liquid cell
- Measurement:
- within a transparent liquid over the temperature range of 10-40 °C
- Cell capacity:
- 500 µL
- Heat exchange fluid mixture:
- alcohol/distilled water v/v of 25%/75%
- Incident angle:
- nominal 70°
- Required sample dimensions:
- 50 mm diameter silicon wafers and 3x1 inch glass microscope slides (must exceed 25x9.1 mm2)
- Measurement:
- 3) Environmental cell
- measurement:
- under ambient pressure and temperature conditions as a function of the relative pressure p/p0 between relative pressure p of a solvent within the cell and the saturation vapor pressure p0 of the used solvent above the flat substrate
- Incident angle:
- nominal 70°
- measurement: